Coogee Prep has a tradition of being dedicated to learning the basics – starting in the early years of Infants and then extending the boys academically in the Primary years. Smaller class sizes result in teachers focusing on each boy’s individual needs. An integrated academic syllabus that includes drama, art and music, debating and chess ensures all boys receive a well-rounded, engaging education. The design and technology program for our students includes hands-on/make and design initiatives across a range of KLA’s. Projects, such as surfboard and billycart design, Lego construction, robotics and coding combine both the creative and practical aspects that come with the design discipline. We have exciting creative and performing arts experiences, which allows all boys to showcase their talents and skills in the areas of music, drama, public speaking and whole school performance. Beyond this, students take part in the School’s outdoor program, including school camp, as well as a variety of excursions in both indoor and outdoor settings, museums, art galleries and the like. Bi-annually our senior students participate in a Rural NSW tour to learn first hand about the history, geography and societal aspects of our land and community.